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UST Admission



게시물 검색
Q [After Being Admitted] How can I apply for UST training incentives?
A After gaining admissions, check the 'academic advisor selection and scholarship support' section during registration. If you have received the scholarship support, a fixed training incentive (minimum of 1,600,000 won for doctoral program, minimum of 1,200,000 won for master's program) will be provided for you after the semester begins. Payment period, amount, methods, etc. may differ from campus to campus.
Q [After Being Admitted] I do not know Korean at all. Are the classes available in English? Are there Korean classes for foreign students?
A UST has both Korean and English classes, and therefore foreign individuals can register for English lectures. In addition, UST offers both on and offline courses for improving foreign students' Korean abilities.
Q [After Being Admitted] I am currently working at a company. Would I be able to attend classes at night or part time?
A UST regulations allow full-time students only. All enrolled students must take classes and participate in campus research at the same time. Enrolling for night or part time classes is not possible.
Q [After Being Admitted] I have been waitlisted. What is the process for waitlisted students?
A After the admissions registration period, waitlisted students (by rank) will receive an announcement individually regarding their admissions and registration status based on the current registration status.
Q How do interviews take place?
A * If you live outside South Korea, the interview would be conducted via telephone or video.

Evaluation Criteria as below
- Applicants’ ability to conduct research in the field of the major for which they have applied, their enthusiasm for their studies and research, their successfully complete presentations and experiments, etc.
- Major-related knowledge: evaluates applicants’ academic ability as determined by formal academic courses completed, research experience, etc.
- Growth potential: evaluates applicants’ statement of purpose, research proposal, and post-graduation career plan
- Personal character and aptitude: evaluates whether applicants have the qualities fit for study as UST
Q [Admissions Screening] If unforeseen events cause me to miss my interview, what should I do?
A Contact the academic representative of the campus you applied to and change your interview date. In case of these events, please contact the university headquarters for detailed information.
Q [Admissions Screening] Who evaluates my submitted documents? When and where does the evaluation take place?
A The screening process is divided into 2 stages.
The UST head office first checks the submitted documents for any errors at the first stage.
Committees organized at each campus by major will evaluate each applicant's study and research activity plans, grades, work experience, and more for a comprehensive evaluation of documents at the second stage.
Q [Admissions] Am I required to submit a recommendation letter? How can I submit a recommendation letter?
A Choose one of the following submission methods

① UST Online Admission System
- When completing the online application, enter recommender information, including their e-mail addresses
- Confirm whether your recommenders were properly able to submit their letters as only those letters submitted before the deadline will be valid

② Recommenders may submit their letters of recommendation directly via postal mail or email
- Letters submitted in this fashion must be accompanied by the UST letter of recommendation form which can be downloaded from the UST admissions website
- Postal address
(34133) Student Affairs Team, University of Science and Technology, 217 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

※ Only letters received by mail services that offer delivery tracking services will be accepted(e.g., Registered Post, EMS, and UPS)
※ Only recommendation letters arrived by the deadline will be considered
Q [Admissions] I am currently serving as an officer in the military. What is the process for gaining admissions into UST as a military entrusted student?
A In order to be considered as a military entrusted student, an enrollment recommendation from the Ministry of National Defense is required. Please refer to the recruiting notice for other application requirements and required documents for special admissions.
Q [Admissions] Is it possible to apply as an overseas Korean if I graduated from a university overseas and am currently living abroad?
A In order to qualify as an overseas Korean applicant, you must have completed 'elementary, middle, and high school, and graduated from a university overseas that corresponds with Korea's education program.' As such, individuals who only acquired bachelor's degrees overseas cannot apply as an overseas Korean applicant.