
학생현황 - 학생분류, 인원 정보제공
학생 분류 인원
재학생 23명
휴학생 1명
수료생 22명
석사졸업생 82명
박사졸업생 56명
외국인 재학생 11명

학생 연구실적

학생연구실적 - 연도, 연구실적 구분, 게재지, 연구실적명 정보제공
연도 연구실적 구분 게재지 연구실적명
2024 학술지 ACS Applied Electronic Materials Femtosecond-Laser-Assisted Fishbone-Inspired Patterning of Selective Liquid Metal Dewetted Electrodes for Flexible Electronics
2023 학술지 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 257 nm deep UV femtosecond laser ablation with minimized crack and chipping on display ultra-thin glass
2023 학술지 IEEE Access A Review of the Recent Applications of Aluminum Nitride-Based Piezoelectric Devices
2023 학술지 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing A Study of Ultrafast Ablation on ITO Thin Films with Wavelengths of 513 and 1026 nm for High Resolution Patterning
2023 학술지 ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS Accelerated Sulfur Evolution Reactions by TiS2/TiO2@MXene Host for High-Volumetric-Energy-Density Lithium?Sulfur Batteries
2023 학술지 APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING Advanced post combustion CO2 capture process - A systematic approach to minimize thermal energy requirement
2023 학술지 Scientific Reports An angle-compensating colorimetric strain sensor with wide working range and its fabrication method
2023 학술지 Journal of Marine Science and Engineering Analysis of Characteristic Changes of Blended Very Low Sulfur Fuel Oil on Ultrasonic Frequency for Marine Fuel
2023 학술지 ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT Analysis of start-up behavior based on the dynamic simulation of an SOFC?engine hybrid system
2023 학술지 FUEL Co-pyrolysis of coffee-grounds and waste polystyrene foam: Synergistic effect and product characteristics analysis

메뉴담당자 담당부서 : 교무팀 담당자 : 이인영 연락처 : 이메일 :