
학생현황 - 학생분류, 인원 정보제공
학생 분류 인원
재학생 38명
휴학생 -
수료생 28명
석사졸업생 105명
박사졸업생 78명
외국인 재학생 23명

최근 5년간 졸업생 주요 취업처

졸업생 수 37
박사 졸업생 15
석사 졸업생 22
졸업생 수, 박사 졸업생, 석사 졸업생
구분 취업기관명
정부/공공 Government of Pakistan, 한국과학기술연구원, 한국기계전기전자시험연구원(KTC), 한국에너지기술연구원
민간 LG전자, LS ELECTRIC, 미원상사, 미원에스씨, 에코프로비엠, 코오롱인더, 한프, 현대차
교육기관 Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Malmo University, National University of Science and Technology, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Pertamina, University of Education, University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore Pakistan, University of Indonesia, 동국대학교, 울산과학기술원(UNIST)

학생 연구실적

학생연구실적 - 연도, 연구실적 구분, 게재지, 연구실적명 정보제공
연도 연구실적 구분 게재지 연구실적명
2024 학술지 Hydrology A conceptual framework for modeling spatiotemporal dynamics of diesel attenuation capacity across Namyangju, South Korea
2024 학술지 SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Highly sensitive chlorite ion sensor developed on the basis of etching of incurvate gold nanohexahedrons
2024 학술지 CHEMOSPHERE Influence of iron (hydr)oxide mineralogy and contents in aquifer sediments on dissolved organic carbon attenuations during aquifer storage and recovery
2024 학술지 Materials Chemistry Frontiers Material strategies in the electrochemical nitrate reduction reaction to ammonia production
2024 학술지 Journal of Materials Chemistry A Synergistic bimetallic CuPd oxide alloy electrocatalyst for ammonia production from the electrochemical nitrate reaction
2023 학술지 Catalysts A Review on Catalysts Development for Steam Reforming of Biodiesel Derived Glycerol; Promoters and Supports
2023 학술지 Journal of Materials Chemistry A A fluoroalkyl iodide additive for Li?O2 battery electrolytes enables stable cycle life and high reversibility
2023 학술지 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL Ammonia-selective recovery from anaerobic digestate using electrochemical ammonia stripping combined with electrodialysis
2023 학술지 Chemical Engineering Journal Atomically dispersed Ru(III) on N-doped mesoporous carbon hollow spheres as catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation to formate
2023 학술지 DESALINATION Behavior of solutes and membrane fouling in an electrodialysis to treat a side-stream: Migration of ions, dissolved organics and micropollutants

메뉴담당자 담당부서 : 교무팀 담당자 : 이인영 연락처 : 이메일 :